Don’t Speak

Sometimes, it’s better not to speak if you don’t have nice things to say. Now, this is a principle I’ve always heard, only it was put “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” There’s a subtle but important difference there, I think. It...

The Dairy Bar

There’s an old dairy bar within sight of the place I grew up. It’s down the highway a little ways, across a bridge and the railroad tracks. The bridge runs across Carr Creek, which used to be known as Carr’s Fork when I was growing up. If you stand on the bridge and...

Random Ramblings – Four

I’m excited to report we have a working heat pump and a smokin’ awesome gas stove. It’s been an interesting couple or three weeks as we slogged through the mud and the muck to get to this point, but hopefully that battle is done. No idea yet what the first cooked meal...

Hey, I Know You!

Yesterday, I had a doctor’s appointment. Routine, a follow-up, nothing to write home about really. At least, not the visit itself. What happened in the waiting room however, that was noteworthy. As hubby and I were sitting there, in comes a guy who looks to be in his...

Random Ramblings – Three

I completely flaked on blogging on Saturday and Sunday. I do apologize. Saturday was game day with friends, and I had intended to blog before they arrived. Well, it simply didn’t happen. Sunday was just a mess of a day, and putting two words together was beyond me....


Intentions matter. They matter more in some cases than in others. They can get you into trouble. They can save your butt in a crisis. They can motivate a person or deflate them. They can even start movements, personal and political, that lead to revolution. But I’m...