How are you all today? I’m doing okay. Have a lot of things on my mind and I’m up to my eyeballs in writing courses, so I’m not sure if I’m coming or going. HA!
We’re two weeks today until surgery – I’m both excited about and dreading this. I think it’s going to make a difference in my health for the better, but it’s not going to be an easy process. I’m also not making as much headway on writing as I’d hoped to make, but that is what it is. I haven’t packed my bags yet, but I’m getting the freezer stocked up a little at a time, and we have plans in place for a couple of aspects of the process. Still need to work on others though.
It’s overcast here today, but given what the Gulf coast is going through right now, that’s nothing. I can’t begin to imagine that devastation. Thoughts and prayers to everyone who’s being impacted by the storm.
There’s a new season of “Cold Justice” available on Netflix. I really like the show, even though it doesn’t deal with the most optimistic of topics. It’s smart, isn’t too terribly sensationalized, and reminds me of some of the older true crime shows.
Pip the Kitten is on antibiotics again. Same issue – a little drainage from her surgery. This round is knocking her for a bit of a loop, and they’re pills so we’re doing battle twice a day. Hoping she perks up soon. If not, she might have to have a minor procedure. Fingers crossed that doesn’t end up being the case.
Fall is coming in this year in an odd fashion. We have a few trees that are starting to turn, but the majority are either still nearly fully green or have no leaves whatsoever. Well, okay then. I’ve read conflicting folklore on what that means. It’s either really bad or really good for us. I’m not sure whether we need a cold, cold winter or a mild one. Good thing it isn’t up to me.
A friend of mine, Ike Adams of the Points East column that runs in several Kentucky newspapers, is somewhat famous for his wooly worm forecast. He predicts we’re going to have a warmer, wetter winter, with perhaps several snows that melt quickly. I can deal with that. It means bugs and viruses will be worse, which isn’t good, but hopefully it means not hurting from the cold as much. I guess we’ll see.
It’s interesting how we tend to romanticize the past. Not just our own pasts, but the past in general. I find that interesting. That’s definitely a random, rambling thought.
My appetite isn’t great these days (not a new problem, just something that’s part of my Lyme/AI thing), which makes it hard to get enthusiastic about cooking. I have no idea what is on tonight’s supper menu, and it’s getting close to critical time. But I’ll say this – I love the new stove. It’s spectacularly awesome. Now, if I can just figure out what sounds good….
Happy Reading!
T. L.