Switching Gears

Sometimes inspiration strikes and hits you so hard, you have no choice but to sit up and pay attention. Well, inspiration struck. I’m pretty sure I have an “inspiration-shaped” shoe print on my forehead. I’ve been toying with doing a somewhat silly series for a while...

Pip the Kitten

A few weeks back, I promised to tell you all the tale of Pip the Kitten. Well, what better way to start the week off than to talk about a cute, sweet, feisty, loving kitten? There is a bit of sadness to get to first though. Since October 2016, we’d only had one...

Mothman Festival – Say What??

I am ridiculously excited about this, y’all. I just found out that the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, hosts a Mothman Festival every year. Now, if you’ve followed this blog very much, you know I have a “thing” for cryptids. I’m fascinated by the lore and the...

Random Ramblings – Five

It’s rainy, rainy, and rainy here in this neck of the woods. Has been for a couple or three days now. With the exception of the afternoon where I dug the sweet potatoes day before yesterday, rainy. There are flood warnings and advisories out all over the place, and...

Herbert and Friend

Since I’m not sleeping the best at night these days, by the time afternoon hits, I’m more than ready for a nap. Some days I give in. I didn’t want to do that today. So what’s a girl who needs a nap but doesn’t want one to do in order to stay awake? Why, go play in the...