A Quick Note from Molly
Dear Awesome and Fabulous Readers,
Molly Campbell here. I’m getting ready to run away from home, and I didn’t want to just up and leave without letting you know I was going. See, life isn’t working out quite the way I’d hoped it would. My job ended in utter disaster, so for the past few months, I’ve been helping out here and there in the family where I was needed. However, I’m not feeling particularly useful at the moment, and that’s not a normal mode for me. I’m going to go stark, raving mad if I don’t find something to do.
Plus, if I stick around Firefly Hollow much longer, my sweet, loving, overbearing, overprotective, obnoxious brothers are going to have me running a daycare center for Campbells! As much as I love babies, particularly nieces and nephews and the like, I’m not signing up for Noah and Eli to be my bosses. No way, nuh-uh. Not in a million years. I’d maim both my brothers and then end up having to take care of them, given that I’m a nurse practitioner.
Grandma and Grandpa are giving me their full blessing and support, and I’m so grateful to have that. I’m also grateful that I’ll be off their radar so far as it pertains to the Campbell Matchmaking Machine. I’ll find someone on my own time, thank you very much. Not theirs. As much as I love and adore them, that’s a path I’ll start on my own. Sometime, maybe. A few years from now when I’m settled. The last thing I want in my life right now is the complication of a romance.
Well, I’d best run. It’s getting late, and I want to be well and clear of Perry County before midnight. I’m sharing a house with Easton at the moment, and he tends to get up for a literal midnight snack every blessed night. It’s best if he doesn’t know I’m gone till the morning.
Hope to see you out there on the road!
Hugs and love,
Molly C.
If you’re curious, here’s the blurb for Burning Springs. And yes, it contains that romance Molly is sure she wants to avoid. 😉
Molly Campbell never expected to find herself working as a waitress in a diner in the middle of small-town Tennessee. She certainly never anticipated that she would develop feelings for one of the diner’s patrons, never mind that she would find herself homeless and having to rely on his kindness for shelter. But that’s where she ended up, struggling to reconcile reality with her hopes and dreams in order to come to terms with both.
Jonah Sutton doesn’t trust the redheaded Kentucky girl his aunt hired to help out in the diner. Convinced she’s hiding something, he vows to stick close so he can keep an eye on Molly. It doesn’t take long for his suspicion to turn to intrigue, and when a crisis hits close to home, he’s more than happy to step up and offer her his support. He never imagined his toughest battle would be figuring out a way to convince her to stay in Burning Springs and build a life with him.
Burning Springs is the thirteenth book in the “Firefly Hollow” series, women’s fiction romances set in Appalachia that follow the Campbell family through generations. It contains paranormal elements of traditional Appalachian folklore. It’s available on Amazon, BN.com, iTunes, and Kobo as an e-book, and coming soon as a paperback. Happy Reading!