Over the last eighteen months or so, I’ve given up on blogging. There were a few reasons for this departure, some personal, some professional. I’ve been focusing on other things, and the blog has fallen… Well, I won’t say behind since there wasn’t a schedule to which I was adhering. But it most certainly has been neglected.
Too, I’ve not had a lot to say. The last couple of years haven’t been particularly kind in some ways, with a lot of personal losses such as that of my father-in-law and our three cats. So I’ve been working through some things. Writing for me is an emotional journey, and it has been difficult to find words and churn through the emotional ups and downs of fictional characters when my own feelings have been in such chaos. I envy people who somehow manage to push through emotional upheaval and continue working. I’m afraid I’ve learned the hard way that I am not one of those people.
Without sounding too New Agey, I can safely say there has been a lot of self-discovery and introspection on learning to deal with the new normal in the Haddix household in recent months. I expected to find my footing before now. That was more than a bit naïve. Regardless, I’m starting anew in how I approach writing, the work surrounding writing, and a good deal of life in general. These are positive changes, but they’ve taken a while for me to figure out how to implement–as well as for me to get to the point where I was ready to implement them.
Part of the new plan is that I will be blogging daily. Some of these blog posts will be writing related, some will not, and they probably will vary in length. I’ll try not to get too long-winded, and on the flipside, I’ll set a minimum of 250 words. Maybe. It might turn out that even a hundred words will be stretching the limits of my capacity on a daily basis.
In the meantime, I’m writing again regularly, working on the next Firefly Hollow book (Easton’s), and looking forward to seeing how well I do with this new schedule and plan I’ve set for myself. It’s past time that this old writing horse was gotten out of the barn and put back under saddle.
Happy Reading!
T. L.